Te Reo Lessons & Education

Our Services

Te Reo Māori Lessons

From beginner level working with a e i o u, to conversational kōrero - our team can help.

We work with you to identify your language needs and goals, from the smallest beginnings of feeling more comfortable with accurate pronunciation leading through to rumaki (immersion) spaces, we aim to offer experiences with te reo Māori that are relevant and useful in many contexts.

Within our te reo classes we also identify some of the contextual complexities of te reo Māori and offer opportunities and insights to better support each other to revitalise the language in a way that is safer, more inclusive and with awareness of the broader context.

Te Tiriti O Waitangi and Decolonisation Workshops

Our Te Tiriti o Waitangi and decolonisation workshops are designed to meet the needs of you/your team and/or your community with the goal of developing better partnerships between tangata whenua and tauiwi and an altogether healthier Aotearoa whānui.

In order to move forward, we must first understand what has come before. Instead of simply running through dates and deeds, we encourage participants to interact with the material using a range of creative approaches and discussion.

We also have options for Māori and non-Māori as it is important to identify the different needs of each group in these spaces. Our relational focus supports safe spaces for courageous conversations.

We encourage those considering our te reo classes to complete one of our entry level Te Tiriti/decol workshops before or alongside their reo lessons.

Education Consultation Services and Workshops For Educators

Understanding te ao Māori in the context of the New Zealand education system:
what has been, what currently exists and what could exist to influence our mokopuna?

With more curriculum development that is implementing Māori stories and mātauranga into English medium education, we offer support for educators to engage with Māori concepts and language. Our intention is that this will increase the accuracy of the reo and concepts used, and facilitate inclusive systems to support and implement these new approaches into the school system. We acknowledge that often under-resourced schools rely on Māori staff members to upskill their community who are often not employed for that particular reason.

Workshops, facilitation and planning, and general consultation can be arranged and designed to meet your specific needs.

Strategic Planning and Consultation Services

Ariana has experience working with many organisations to support/acknowledge Māori/mana whenua during strategic planning and development of corporations, groups and businesses.

Our team can facilitate strategic planning sessions that may reframe and unlock new outcomes/relationships etc. with and for Māori in a range of fields and contexts.

Get in touch to discuss your specific needs with us.

Resource Development

We design custom resources for each of our offerings when and where it is relevant. We use resources as a way to front load content, and to support or harvest the learnings of our sessions.

We are also happy to develop further resources for you and your organisation to fit your specific needs in order to integrate any key elements of te reo into the everyday culture of the spaces you and your team inhabit.